Why is it more effective to wear a few layers of thin clothing than a single thick layer of clothing on a cold day?
There are many layers of air trapped if a person is wearing many layers of clothing.On the other hand, if the person is only wearing one layer of clothing, there is only one layer of air trapped. As air is a good insulator of heat, it will minimise heat loss from the body to the cold surroundings.Thus, it is more effective to wear a few layers of thin clothing than a single thick layer of clothing.
10 June 2009
Questions with solutions
1. Which of the following is the poorest conductor of heat energy?
A. Air B. Brass C. A vacuum D. Water
2. Which of the following will be the best absorber of infra-red radiation?
A. Dark Animal Fur B. Shiny Metal Tray
C. White Plastic Bag D. Window Glass
3. An illustration of the use of a good conductor of heat is the
A. wooden pan handles
B. fibre-glass roof insulation
C. double glazing of windows
D. cooling fins on engines
4. A black plastic bag is filled with cold water and hung up in a sunny place. What causes the water temperature to rise?
A. Convection inside the black bag
B. The black bag absorbing radiation
C. The black bag acting as an insulator
D. The black bag emitting radiation
5. A small cork is fixed with wax to a metal plate.An electric heater is placed close to the plate.After some time, the wax melts and the cork drops of. How does heat reach the wax?
A. By Conduction only
B. By Conduction and Convection
C. By Radiation and Conduction
D. By Radiation and Convection
Examples of radiation:
1)Food stalls have bright lights shining at their food to keep food warm.
2)Rooms in cold countries have a metallic heating unit that emits heat.
Examples of conduction:
1)heat transferred through the walls of a steel radiator
2)heat exchangers is used to save energy. It is made of copper.
(heat exchanger)
1)Food stalls have bright lights shining at their food to keep food warm.
2)Rooms in cold countries have a metallic heating unit that emits heat.
Examples of conduction:
1)heat transferred through the walls of a steel radiator
2)heat exchangers is used to save energy. It is made of copper.
Factors affecting rate of infrared radiation:
1.Colour and texture of the surface
(comparison between dull,black surfaces and
shiny, white surfaces on previous post)
2.Surface temperature
(The higher the temperature of the surface of the objectrelative to the surrounding temperature, the higher the rate of infrared radiation)
3.Surface area
(Compare two objects with the same mass and material but with different surface areas. The object with the larger surface area will emit infrared radiation at a higher rate.)
The higher the rate of infrared radiation means the amount of heat released from the object is high.
Radiation is the continual emission of infrared waves from the surface of all bodies, transmitted without the aid of a medium.
Radiation does not need a medium for energy transfer.Thus, radition can take place in a vacuum.
Absorption and Emission of Infrared radiation:
Infrared radiation is absorbed and emitted by all objects.Absorption of infrared radiation causes a rise in temperature while emission of infrared radiation causes a decrease in temperature.
Dull,black surface absorb infrared radiation faster than shiny, white surfaces. They are also better emitters of infrared emitters.
8 June 2009
video on convection currents
Hi! This is a video I found on convection currents. It shows a demonstration and explains a convection current. However, I am not able to upload it on my blog so this is the URL:
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